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Lantana (तणतणी, घाणेरी) : Lantana camara
Lantana (तणतणी, घाणेरी) : Lantana camara
Common Lantana is a common perennial and naturalized shrub occurring almost all-over India. It grows into a small bush and flowers throughout the year. Flowers appear in bunches of 10 to 15. Individual flower is about 2-3 mm and the flower cluster is about 2 cm in diameter. Individual flowers, so the cluster, combines several colors and makes different patterns. Color appearing on Lantana flower are red, yellow, white.

Marathi name, Ghaneri घाणेरी , literally means 'with a foul smell'. This smell is the precise reason why cattle do not eat this plant and therefore used for biological compound. Interestingly, this is very attractive flower for butterflies. Common butterflies like tiger and crow species are fond of Lantana flowers. Other butterflies like Gram Blue, Common Jay, Indian Sunbeam etc are also found nectoring on these flowers.
Interesting facts:
- This plant is rarely attacked by the diseases.
- Flowers attracts butterflies and repels cattle.
- Bush can be planted using stem / cuttings.
- It requires almost no water to grow.
Quick Facts:
Common name: LantanaMarathi: Tantani तणतणी, Ghaneri घाणेरी
Botanical name: Lantana camara var. aculeata
Family: Verbenaceae (Verbena family)
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