भावनांचा फुलोरा शब्दांचा धुमारा, काळाच्या गर्दीत मनाचा पसारा. जपताना त्या आठवणी, चार ओळी तुझ्यासाठी !
Shimla Municipal Corporation
Shimla Municipal Corporation is one of the oldest municipalities of India and has passed through many slings and arrows during its last one hundred and forty five years of existence. It was first constituted as Municipal Committee in December, 1851, under the provisions of Act XXVI of 1850. Initially appointed Municipal Commissioners were Government officials. The first elections were held on August 26, 1855 following the first meeting of the committee composed of the Deputy Commissioner; Senior Assistant Commissioner; Medical Officer; and an Executive Engineer; together with house proprietors.
Common Jezebel (Delias eucharis)
Place : IIT Bombay
The Common Jezebel (Delias eucharis) is a medium sized pieried butterfly, found in many areas of south and South east Asia, especially in the non-arid regions of India Mynamar Sri Lanka and Thiland. The Common Jezebel is one of the most common species in the genus Delias. The wingspan of both males and females range from 6.5 to 8.5 cm.
Upperside is white. The forewings have the veins broadly black, this colour broadened triangularly at the termination of the veins, costal margin narrowly black; a broad black postdiscal transverse band from costa to dorsum sloped obliquely outwards from costa to vein 4, thence parallel to termen. Hind wing with the veins similar but for three-fourths of their length much more narrowly black; a postdiscal transverse black band as on the forewing but much narrower, curved and extended only between veins 2 and 6; beyond this the veins are more broadly black and this colour as on the forewing broadens out triangularly at the termination of the veins; the interspaces beyond the postdiscal black band pink, due to the vermilion coloration of the underside showing through.
On the underside, the forewings are similar but the black edging to the veins much broader, the upper two interspaces beyond the postdiscal transverse band tinged with yellow. Hind wing: ground colour bright yellow, the veins and transverse postdiscal band as on the upperside but much more broadly black, the latter extended from the costa to vein 2; the interspaces between the veins beyond the postdiscal fascia with a series of broadly lanceolate or cone-shaped vermilion-red spots, each spot very narrowly edged with white; the basal portion of interspace 6 white, in contrast to the bright yellow of the ground-colour. Antenna black; head, thorax and abdomen white, the apical joint of the palpi black; the head and thorax with a mixture of black hairs that give these parts a grey-blue appearance
Compiled By Paresh Kale
Ref: Wikipedia
Tropaeolum majus (Nasturtium)
An Introduced flower to India . Nasturtiums are bright and happy little flowers, that even the Grinch could not help but love. All parts of the plant are edible. The flower has most often been consumed, making for an especially ornamental salad ingredient; it has a slightly peppery taste reminiscent of watercress, and is also used in stir fry. The unripe seed pods can be harvested and pickled with hot vinegar, to produce a condiment and garnish, sometimes used in place of capers, although the taste is strongly peppery. Nasturtiums are also considered widely useful companion plants. They repel a great many pests, and several caterpillars. also attract black fly, and are sometimes planted in the hope of saving crops susceptible to them. They may also attract beneficial, predatory insects.
Many cultivars have been derived from Tropaeolum majus, including climbing types and dwarf, bushy types. All have rounded or kidney shaped leaves with wavy-margins. The leaves are pale green, about 2-5 in (5.1-12.7 cm) across, and are borne on long petioles like an umbrella. The flowers typically have five petals, although there are double and semi-double varieties. The flowers are about 1-2 in (2.5-5.1 cm) in diameter and come in a kaleidoscope of colors including russet, pink, yellow, orange, scarlet and crimson.
Please Vote for better future
Did you know that there is a system in our constitution, as per the 1969 act, in section “49-O” that a person can go to the polling booth, confirm his identity, get his finger marked and convey the presiding election officer that he doesn’t want to vote anyone!
Yes such a feature is available, but obviously these seemingly notorious leaders have never disclosed it.
This is called “49-O”. Why should you go and say “I VOTE NOBODY”… because, in a ward, if a candidate wins, say by 123 votes, and that Particular ward has received “49-O” votes more than 123, then that polling will be cancelled and will have to be re-polled. Not only that, but the candidature of the contestants will be removed and they cannot contest the re-polling, since people had already expressed their decision on them. This would bring fear into parties and hence look for genuine candidates for their parties for election. This would change the way; of our whole political system… it is seemingly surprising why the election commission has not revealed such a feature to the public….
Please spread this news to as many as you know…
Seems to be a wonderful weapon against corrupt parties in India …
show your power, expressing your desire not to
Vote for anybody, is even more powerful than voting… so don’t miss
your chance.
Well, here’s the text of Rule 49-O of the Conduct of Elections Rules, 1961 (“Rules”):
49-O. Elector deciding not to vote.-If an elector, after his electoral roll number has been duly entered in the register of voters in Form-17A and has put his signature or thumb impression thereon as required under sub-rule (1) of rule 49L, decided not to record his vote, a remark to this effect shall be made against the said entry in Form 17A by the presiding officer and the signature or thumb impression of the elector shall be obtained against such remark.
Rule 49-O falls under the Chapter II of Part IV of the Rules which was introduced in 1992 and deals only with voting by electronic voting machines or EVMs. The remark referred to here is an offline entry by the presiding offer (accompanied by the voter’s signature) to record the fact that a vote was not electronically recorded even though the voter had registered in the register of voters. This would allow reconciliation of mismatches arising from a situation where you have lesser votes polled in the machines than the names entered and signed in the register of voters. There is no provision for polling to be cancelled based on the number of 49-O votes.
Crossandra / Firecracker Flower (आबोली)
गोमू माहेरला जाते हो नाखवा
तिच्या घोवाला कोकण दाखवा
दावा कोकणची निळी निळी खाडी
दोन्ही तीराला हिरवी हरवी झाडी
भगवा "अबोली" फुलांचा ताटवा
In Sindhudurga, my native district, Aaboli is the favourite flowers of ladies to put in their hair. Even the above Maalvani famous song reietrates importance of flower to praise the beauty of Konkan Region, specially south Konkan. Planted in backyard of almost every house, it competes strongly with jasmine to adorn the hair-do's. Available in many colors one is Aaboli, yellow and brick orange.
The crossandra is in the family with Mexican petunias, or ruellias, and the Mississippi Medallion award-winning yellow shrimp plant. This tropical from India and Sri Lanka offers a welcome orange, salmon or yellow to the filtered-light area. In addition to the flowers that are practically non-stop for the entire season, the foliage also offers added interest. The leaves are glossy and most striking. Choose a site with well-drained, fertile soil with perhaps a little morning sun. If you have tight, heavy clay soil, the crossandra will reward you for incorporating 3 to 4 inches of organic matter. As the plant grows, keep it deadheaded and pinched back; it will maintain a bushy shape and keep blooming with each new flush of growth.
The crossandra is in the family with Mexican petunias, or ruellias, and the Mississippi Medallion award-winning yellow shrimp plant. This tropical from India and Sri Lanka offers a welcome orange, salmon or yellow to the filtered-light area. In addition to the flowers that are practically non-stop for the entire season, the foliage also offers added interest. The leaves are glossy and most striking. Choose a site with well-drained, fertile soil with perhaps a little morning sun. If you have tight, heavy clay soil, the crossandra will reward you for incorporating 3 to 4 inches of organic matter. As the plant grows, keep it deadheaded and pinched back; it will maintain a bushy shape and keep blooming with each new flush of growth.
सखी तु अशी कशी ?
भेटावयास येता संध्या समयी
कनक चम्पेची माळ गुंफिशी
सुवास घेता तुझ्या केश संभारी
लटीक नजर तुझी चोरशी
सखी तु अशी कशी ?
माझा वेडेपणा अज्ञात मजला
करता बावचळलीस का जराशी
गालावरली लाली कशी फुलली
फक्त दोघ संध्यापाखर आकाशी
सखी तु अशी कशी ?
उलटून सांज गेली घरावरी
इतक्यात का माघारी जाशी
नुकतेच चांदणे हे उमललेले
मिलनाची धुंद रात्र बाकी
सखी तु अशी कशी ?
उद्या पुन्हा भेटशील का वाटेवर
येताना निघ लवकर जराशी
काढू नको रात्र तळमळत ही
स्वप्नातून असेन मी तुझपाशी
African Daisy White (आफ्रिकन डेझी व्हाइट )
IIT Kanpur is perhaps the most maintained IIT. Rather I felt its the only IIT which can be called IIT. Excelent Infrastructure, enormous campus, academic envioronment and cheap food. Above all its heaven if flowers are considered. "n" number of species planted all over the campus and well maintained. I was flattered. Next few posts will be from my IITK trip. The trip (actually I was attending a conference) became unforgottable because I won the best second poster award in that conf.
It is an annual plant, native to Namibia, Namaqualand and the south western Cape. During spring huge fields are covered with this bright white daisy, forming a dazzling mass. The white petals, actually ray florets, are mauve on the underside. For the best display it is important to visit the garden on a sunny day as these sun loving daisies only open with the warmth of the sun from about 10 o’clock in morning to 4 o’clock in the afternoon. As the sun moves across the sky their flowers follow, always facing the sun. African daisy forms a bushy plant that is covered with large white daisies all flowering at the same level.
The flowering season is from July to October, depending on the rain. The narrow leaves are light green, about 7 cm long, have indented edges and are alternately arranged on the stem. They are numerous at the base of the stems, becoming fewer and smaller near the top
तुला आवडत का रे ?
प्रसिद्धीच्या झोतात असणं
व्यासपीठावर बसणं
नुसत्या मुलाखती देणं
रात्री उशिरा घरी परतणं
तुला आवडत का रे ?
त्याच त्या ओल्या पार्ट्या
जाल तिथ त्या कार्ट्या
नुसता धींगाणा आणि नाच
किती कराल दुसरयांचा जाच
तुला आवडत का रे ?
उठसुठ पैसा गाड़ी अन बंगला
ऐशोराम, सुट-बुट चांगला
आज या तर उद्या त्या हॉटेलात
मी वाट बघते गेली रात्रभर
तुला आवडत का रे ?
- By Paresh Kale
Dwarf Powder Puff : A common perinnial shrub

This medium-sized shrub is spectacular when in flower. The blooms are brilliant red and really stand out. The foilage is also attractive with light green kidney shaped leaflets, appearing in pairs. This particular variety grows approximately six to seven feet and is always in bloom. For those interested in bright colours, this is a must. The flowers open 9 to 10 months out of the year (often resting in midwinter) and remain for 6 to 8 weeks, their unusual form and bold color attracting
attention despite the plant's small stature. 1 to 2 inches across, these blooms offer a nice foil to the soft green leaves of this 10 to 14-inch-high tree. Outdoors, the flowers are butterfly magnets, their nectar attracting many winged visitors. The photograph, right alligned, shows the cluster of seeds. Attractive bunch of small red spheres.
पाण्याचा एक थेंब
बरयाच दिवसानी पडलेला पाण्याचा एक थेंब
कावळ्याने चोचीत पकडला
एक तर एक, निदान तेवढा तरी मिळाला
ही धरणे , पाणी साठवण्यासाठी नाहीतच
ती साठवतात ठेकेदाराचा काळा पैसा,
करादात्यांचा पांढरा पैसा,
सामान्य माणसाची स्वप्न,
नेत्यांची आश्वासन,
मजुरांचे कष्ट,
गरीब शेतकरयाचे अश्रू
श्रीमंत शेतकरयाचा माजोरडेपणा,
आणि अगदीच बघायला गेल तर
नदीने वाहून आणलेला प्रचंड गाळ !
धरण !
कुणाला देतात चार दिवसाची स्वप्न
तर कुणाला आयुष्य भराची आशा
काही बोक्याना खुप लोणी मिळत
मग इतर चोरांच्या पोटात दुखत
कधी काळी ज्या लोकाना गावाच्या पाणवठ्यावरून हाकलल
अशानीच या धरणावर काम कल
मग ते आपोआप निघून गेले
आजुबाजुच्याना "समाजसेवकानी" हाकलल
" घर पाठीवर घेउन फिरा " अस सांगीतल
(तरच आम्हाला सुखाची झोप मिळेल !)
यावर्षी थोड पाणी पावसान भरल ,
थोड विमानाने पाड़ल
तुमच आमच असाही खुप झाल
आन्दोलन केली झगडा केला
कोर्टात जाउन का होईना
प्रत्येक थेंब नीट वाटुन घेतला
एक तर एक, निदान तेवढा तरी मिळाला
Read my more poems here.
By Paresh Kale
Ixora red - a corsage
A common flower in parts of Sindhudurga. a sheaf of cute little red flowers.
Related to the gardenia and coffee plants, Ixora is said to be native to Asia and whose name derives from an Indian deity. There are about 400 species spread from Africa to India to Southern Asia. They differ in leaf size, plant height, flower size and flower color. This plant which blooms throughout the year is easy to grow. The flowers are found in a wide range of colours. Plants are of two types- large; with height around 1 meter and dwarf or miniature plants. Miniature ones have small leaves and are bushy. Ixora flowers last well when picked and put into a vase with water, making an attractive home arrangement. Ixora flower has traditionally been associated with enhanced sexuality and the re-kindling of passion.
Not all ixoras are grown for flower color. For example, Ixora odorata from Madagascar ( requires tropical shade, produces huge 10-inch blooms on a 4-5 foot bush whose attraction is also a wonderful lingering scent. Excellent for shaded front door porches or backyard sitting areas
Almost all ixoras do best in full sun, acid soil, free from nematodes, a moist organic mix that is also well drained. Ixora can endure some salt spray on the wind. Planted in shady areas or with excess water on leaves, sooty mold usually sets in Nature World
Something scribbled after a long time. Interested in some new assignment I was searching for something fascinating and challenging. Something never done before. And I found it. Friend of mine, Abhay Soman, is keen interested in bird and butterflies watching. I was as good as illiterate in those subjects. So thought to learn something through net, as always.I got few best websites about feathered friends. Along with a huge database of high quality images, it provides sounds of birds, details of butterflies, classification and list is virtually never ending. Supreme among observed websites is
It is developed and maintained by Vijay, is simply amazing. Majorly about birds, also covers butterfly and some non flying lifeforms.
Krushnmegh Kunte, a post-doc fellow at Harvard is simply amazing. His whole research interest is in butterflies. He provides technical info as well as great images of butterflies.
Few other sites are
Birds from all over the world, Must watch Mr. Sant, contribute on this site
Many other things abut butterflies, like how to conserve, photshoot etc etc
PhotoStream by Isaac Kehimkar
So Enjoy !!!
By Paresh Kale
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